Iokónimos presents: ESCUPETAZO

Michelle Rivera  -  2014-08-22
Iokónimos presents: ESCUPETAZO

Now presenting: IOKÓNIMOS from Iokanan VFX Studios. 

A series of videos with weekly publications where we define words without meaning in a creative and fun way. 
But ... What is a IOKÓNIMO
Greek iokos = concept and nimos = mix. Word resulting from the confusion between what you think and what you end up saying to have two similar words, which results in the creation of a new concept. Powerful flame occurs in the oral cavity, resulting form the combination of a hot drink beer plus a tic tac, driven by the force of a shotgun.
"Powerful flame occurs in the oral cavity, resulting form the combination of a hot drink beer plus a tic tac, driven by the force of a shotgun"
And you ... What IOKÓNIMOS have said? Tell us below what you would like the following IOKÓNIMO.